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Tyuflevoy Grove hosted a solemn moleben and the laying of an automobile plant (AMO), which by March 1917 was supposed to release 150 1.5-ton trucks "F-15" under the license of the Italian firm "FIAT" . The difficulties of wartime and the weakness of the machine-tool base of the country disrupted plans for the construction of the plant as scheduled. Nevertheless, the Ryabushinsky bought in Italy sets of cars "F-15", which ensured the assembly of 432 trucks in 1917, 779 - in 1918 and 108 cars - in 1919. However, the factory for the manufacture and assembly of their own cars was completed was not. The blame for this was the October Revolution and the civil war. Nationalization of the unfinished plant (August 15, 1918) ) fixed the expropriation of the property of AMO shareholders. The unfinished enterprise essentially turned into large workshops, where cars and other equipment were being repaired.

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