Men as Peacemakers
1 year ago

Executive director

It would help an organization if your executive director Sarah Curtiss actually stood by what your organization is about!! She herself is dating a abuser who abused his pregnant ex girlfriend verbally, mentally and emotionally and two days after having a C-section for their baby still lashed out and yelled and screamed at her and had to be kicked out at 2am cause he wouldn’t stop. He refuses to help pay child support and has now refuses to even order formula for his daughter online to help her mother in Canada where there is a formula shortage, telling her to go buy formula that is $20 more then what she was buying but refuses to help pay for it, and has refused to see his daughter in 6 months. If you can hire someone who stays with a man who chooses to be a deadbeat and abusive to a pregnant women I would never support a organization like this or hire someone who would stay with a man like that, as she has come from a abusive relationship herself and has children!!