Glow Dental

Glow Dental

Reviews 1
2 years ago

First Class Dentistry

I visited the Glow Dental Clinic in Stonefields, Auckland on the 7th November after a recommendation from a friend.

When I arrived, I was met by a friendly receptionist and Dr Linda. I noticed that the dental clinic was of the most modern and contemporary clinics I have seen and used.

There are three separate futuristic treatment rooms and a specialised x-ray machine designed to take an in-depth x-ray of your lower jaw.

In each of the treatment rooms have hydraulically operated chairs, where patients sit in and can happily watch the latest Netflix film or sitcom.

It had been over 18 months since my last checkup, and although I knew I tried to keep my teeth relatively clean and ate a low sugar diet, I was expecting some issues.

Dr Linda conducted a detailed examination of my teeth and took images to show me where the issues were. Once the investigation was complete, Dr Linda presented the photos on a large 30-inch screen in front of me and described the findings and problems in simple layman's terms.

I have to say that the results were a bit of a wake-up call! Although at first glance, my teeth might have appeared clean to a non-dentist, I was to learn otherwise! I had inflammation of the gums, a build-up of plaque on my teeth, require 2 fillings and will need to have my single wisdom tooth removed - this needed to be done, but not all on this single visit.

The first requirement was an essential dental clean-up, and my seat returned to a reclined position allowing me to happily watch Netflix for 30 minutes and zone-out of and dental work.

Once the plaque had been removed, and my teeth cleaned, I was able to feel each tooth individually.

Dr Linda proceeded to educate me in the correct method to clean my teeth and the importance of flossing correctly. I now need to clean my teeth for over 5 minutes in the evenings and floss to clean up and prevent plaque build-up in between my teeth.

I've now booked in a second tooth cleaning in 4 months. I will be arranging for secondary appointments to remove my wisdom tooth and have additional fillings. My wife and children will also be attending Glow Dental in Stonefields, Auckland.

I would thoroughly recommend a visit to clean your teeth in modern dentistry and to ensure your teeth are well looked after for your future.