7 months ago

Bad BSO cop Steven Davis, who falsely arrested and assaulted numerous women, gets moved to Wellington from Pompano, earning $116,000 / year to abuse female citizens.

You may have read or heard about Officer Steven Davis of BSO. He's had a lot of lawsuits against him -- all for the same crime. See links to sources at the end of this article.

Steven Davis falsely arrested me on December 11, 2020. I had reported him to internal affairs and Major Wayne Adkins, who opened my email more than 35 times and did not reply, and then a few days later, Davis arrested me.

Davis paroled where I lived on the beach. He'd eat and sleep all day long along the Pompano Pier, where I walked my two service dogs every day. He tried me, telling me my dogs needed vests and they can't be walked where I was walking them. I told him he was lying, because I know my rights, and he said he'd charge me $150 for each dog if I didn't move immediately.

Ironically, the white supremacist was speaking with a man who did not have a vest on his dog, which was not a service dog to begin with.

After 3 months of this man harassing me while walking my dogs, I asked "Why" when he pulled up beside me in an unmarked car. His exact words were, "I don't like you. I'm targeting you, because I think you're nasty."

And then I immediately reported him. Three days later, when I was pulling into my condo garage, all of a sudden lights start going and it was him. I was so scared and shocked because he told me just days prior that he was targeting me.

When he arrested me, he never told me why, he just whipped me out of the car so hard that his gun flung from his holster while he flipped me around and kneed me to the ground. I was NEVER trying to flee the scene. The only reason I was out of my car was because he pulled me out.

I never believed the cop stories I read about until this happened to me. Now, I feel like I need to speak out about my story because this isn't just happening to black people. Steve Davis is assaulting WOMEN. He's a WOMAN abuser. That's terrifying if you see the size and use of force this man uses.

Every lawyer I've spoke with have told me BSO is protecting him. They moved him to Wellington because he was receiving threats after the Kianna Cooper case, which totally mirrored my case back in 2020. And I was told that by a former Sheriff.

He's been sued for this same scenario since 2007, and they just move him from city to city. He makes $116,000 / year. Taxpayers are paying a cop who has been abusing women for decades using his power for evil. Why is Tony Gregory doing nothing about this man? Who is protecting him and why?

It makes me think that the entire BSO organization is so corrupt it must be redesigned from the ground up. And that's not just my opinion. I'm a member of a few groups with retired BSO cops, who tell me that this organization has gone off the rails (in regards to corruption).

Unlike Kianna's case though, my charges were not dropped by the state of Florida, because I had a lazy lawyer and got railroaded (Using the words of attorneys I've been speaking with). I had to agree to a plea deal -- I would have to do 12 months probation for a felony charge (assault on a law enforcement officer) to be dropped to a misdemeanor without violence. It still shows on background checks, which is ruining my life. I've been a professional for the last 13 years. I didn't have a record. I can't even get an apartment or work for Uber, which is way below my qualifications.

I was warned not to go to trial because they wanted me in PRISON for a crime this officer totally lied about. He's lied under oath in all his other cases though, so what could I expect.

I had to write a letter of apology to this bastard, and pay $500 to a cop fund. Do you have any idea how maddening that is?

I didn't even get bail for 2 days, when I had done nothing wrong. I wasn't given a blanket. I was put in the mental health section which is under strict watch with crazy people screaming. This traumatizes you. To say the very least.

When I tried to tell the cops at the jail what had happened, they told me to shut up and if I cried, it'd take longer and make it worse.

I was kicked out of my condo because of the scene Davis made and I'm now not allowed near it anymore. I had lived in this neighborhood and condo for 6 years. SO embarrassing.

It's impossible to get any word in with Sheriff Tony Gregory, who is known for lying under oath and killing a man, like Davis.

All I can say is, don't fuck with BSO. They will do whatever they want to anyone they don't like. Especially, white supremacist Steven Davis.

Fire this POS already. This man will get his day. And I plan on submitting him to Brady's list. This is not over for him.