4 years ago

I was nominated for an interview, and it was not d...

I was nominated for an interview, and it was not due, but why did I get a bad evaluation, for two reasons - and then I tell you advice guys and girls - the first reason is that they told me before the interview that the working days are 6 days and the salary is 4000 riyals! For me, this is - literally - I consider it servitude and forced labor .. and respect for my humanity I cannot accept this little salary and this continuous time .. The second reason is comments here and this is an added experience that I am supposed to benefit from and I do not venture ... As for advice to everyone: before leaving for any pocket interview a paper and a pen and write your needs and necessities See how much it costs you financially to live in a human and dignity Suppose a minimum (8000 thousand riyals) And the salary of the job is less than this number It is not finally accepted .. Trust in God that God himself does not accept this for you and do not say work and turn then a more appropriate job .. No error .. You have noticed that these companies from twenty years have been standing on the same salary as 4,000 riyals. All that perished is a generation that took advantage of the second generation after it ... even though their profits increase for them and the prices increase for us .. If everyone interrupted the salaries of Abu Khamsa and four, it was to stop the greed of these companies and improve the salaries .. But unfortunately, we are the ones who accept .. However, with poor salary, they treat them badly (and the opposite should be). Do you know why? Because the one who accepts himself less than her right does not blame people if they underestimate his respect and say whoever folds his back rode people on him and the happy one who preaches on others and your safety


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