Keith D. Meyers

4 years ago

I love coming here. The staff is friendly, I see a...

I love coming here. The staff is friendly, I see a lot of my friends, and the food is great. Quite often I will come here to do my schoolwork and I listen to music on my phone. However today, I came in, got everything set up, and was ready to go when I noticed that YouTube was talking a while to load. I turned my phone WiFi off and back on, restarted my phone, even tried to load YouTube in the phone browser, and nothing worked. It turns out, there is a block that no longer allows anyone to load YouTube. So now I can't listen to music while I do my schoolwork, and it is too loud in here to concentrate without music. I am extremely disappointed in this change, and I see no need to make YouTube inaccessible while other web pages load just fine. YouTube is the most popular service aside from Google itself, and not being able to access it at Mocha Moment is a HUGE detractor. If this changes anytime soon I will leave a higher star rating, but until then, 3 stars is, I think, QUITE generous.
EDIT: After about a week I returned, and behold, YouTube was back, so 5 stars now. Thanks to whoever saw my review and decided to change it back!
ANOTHER EDIT: The past 2 times I have come, the WiFi has been completely gone; it could be that they just switched to a 5G network because my phone can't access those.
EDIT: THE THREEQUEL: The wifi is fixed, works just fine.


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