4 years ago

This place is quite interesting. We basically got ...

This place is quite interesting. We basically got a private tour of the hangar by a volunteer guide, which held numerous working 1940s-1950s era military planes. The guide described some of the basic workings of the planes, facts about the training process for pilots, and some less-covered aspects of World War II as pertinent to the planes (with a focus on the Pacific theater).

During the tour, we were allowed to touch the planes, look inside the bomb section, and overall get a sense of the aviation technology from that era. and it's my understanding that, were it not for the coronavirus, we'd also have been able to step into the cockpit. From both and engineering and history perspective, it's a very rewarding experience. I'd recommend this to anyone who had interest in aviation technology or US history.

On a final note, the guides themselves are an essential feature of the facility. Their enthusiasm, knowledgeability, and commitment to the subject matter is quite admirable, and gives the attractions a life that walking through a traditional guided or unguided tour will not. It is unfortunate that this is not a more popular attraction to the area.


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