Dr. Leahla

3 years ago



It took me over 6 months, and over $8,000 in traveling to seminars/conventions to realize what my husband said when I took him to a "Hotspot" meeting WAS true: they're a cult/pyramid scheme.

And, in my humble opinion, the ONLY TIME to involve G-d in this type of business is when you're praying for that big policy that you just wrote to go through!!!

I did NOT shell out over $2,500/seminar-convention to be preached to about Jesus. If I wanted that, I can go to any of the many local churches in my area.

And by the way, Mr. Goad: Jesus could NOT have been the Messiah because: 1) If his Father truly was G-d, then he would NOT have been from the "House of David". Because, while it's true that for someone to be Jewish, their Mother must be Jewish. But, the tribe that the child belongs to depends on the Father. And 2) Jesus did NOT do everything that the Messiah is supposed to do. (And if you want to play the "He'll finish the other qualifying factors when he returns" card, show me where in the OLD Testament it says that the Messiah dies and then comes back to finish fulfilling the prophecies made of him....) Examples: Fully rebuilding the Temple. No more sickness or death. No more wars. And the ENTIRE WORLD will worship the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Are you guys running an Insurance Company or a Church???

The last straw that made me finally leave the company was when I asked my Upline Manager to help me with a married couple who each wanted $1 MILLION Whole Life Insurance Policies. And he stole them from me. He went there the day before my scheduled appointment with them and sold them the policies from under me. And I refuse to have anything to do with a company that will let things like that happen w/o any type of repercussions or consequences.


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