Meghna Sahai

3 years ago



On 1 January 2013 at 11:15 am, my family (my parents, sister, husband and baby) and I were refused a table at Peak lookout which had many, many, many empty tables! Since then I have wondered why. Could it be because they are bad at business? Or was it just because they are RACIST and did not want Indians at their restaurant?

We arrived there at 11:15 am, and were delighted to see that the place had plenty of empty seats. I (dressed in an Indian salwar kurta) asked for a table for five adults and a baby. The trainee hostess spoke to her supervisor, Kelly, and and said, "Sorry we have no seat available!" I was totally shocked and said "All your tables are empty right now." The supervisor, examined us carefully and dismissively said that they had bookings starting 12:30. We were totally perplexed; why could we not be offered any one of the several tables which at this point were free and unreserved for the next 75 minutes? After further reasoning, Kelly patronizingly wagged her finger at us and said, "only a table without cover" and then reluctantly proceeded to give us a table which was probably the worst table they had on their patio. A request for a better table 'without cover' was met with a flat refusal.

At this point we decided not to prolong our unpleasant experience on the first day of the New Year, and leave the restaurant. I asked for a feedback form, and unsurprisingly the reply was, "We have run out of feedback forms; speak to our Manager." We let the Manager know about our experience. He now offered us a table, but by then we were too upset to stay any longer.


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