Olaya Osoro Esteban

4 years ago

Saturday at lunchtime.

Saturday at lunchtime.

We come 4 people, one brings us to the rest, we arrive and check that it is not brutally full and we have possibilities. We get a table and go for the first thing: drink.

After keeping an eye on a couple of locals I decide on Bierrevier. I order large beers, they are good.

There are many stalls with many different food options, we separate and each one looks for its own.

Our friend who lives here tells us that there is a position with a super rich Thai pad but our idea is to have a Thai pad and we discard it. I needed MANY turns because I didn't decide, many are many.

In the end I decided on Dragon Girl Dumplings.

Crispy duck: mit reis, salat und hausgemachtem hot ginger eistee.

A combined plate of duck, rice, rice noodle salad and seasoned cucumber salad and two dumplings. Includes a hot ginger tea for 18CHF.

The duck was very good, also rich rice cooked in its point with soy sauce. Rich part salads, fresh, give a point to everything, combined with the hot part. The dumplings, homemade, very rich.

I thought it was a great option even if I had tried all the posts.


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