Sally Hampton

4 years ago

Worst hospital I've been to.

Worst hospital I've been to.
Medicine left out on my table and not locked away, used drips left in my arm for over 4 and a half hours despite asking 3 different nurses. Left without any water for hours and hours despite asking so many times. In the end used the toilet water as so desperate.
Nurses giving me foods I have allergies to even though its in my notes then when I could eat it letting me go without. So from 5.30am until 6pm I had 1 piece of toast and 1 cup of7 tea.
Canula meant to be changed 2 days ago and still hasn't been done. Been in my arm 5 days.
Late at night decided just to change my ward with no warning.
Giving me 3 month out of date fortijuce.
This is only my second day here!. Send me back to Redditch hospital where the staff actually care and will go out of their way to help you. The wards are bigger there too and they do a far better job by miles!. Told no yoghurt just to keep me going until dinner. Was told they had none. Funny as everyone got one for dinner.
Explained I was upset and wanted to talk to make me feel better and nurse walked off.
Cut my arm and my blood doesn't clot so asked for some gauze and tape, it never arrived so had to fix myself with toilet tissue and some twape I found in the cupboard.


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