Stacy Vanderhill

4 years ago

On Sept. 17th my father's dear friend Mr. Andrew K...

On Sept. 17th my father's dear friend Mr. Andrew K was in ICU. While my father was visiting him, they needed to perform a test, an EKG, so my father was asked to step out of the room. A very obnoxious woman Tammy got very upset because Mr. K was confused & not cooperating well during the EKG. My father along with 2 others witnessed this woman getting mad, yelling & then swore at him, which only made him more uncooperative & made him start yelling back at her. This is not the appropriate way to deal with someone who is confused. She was then asked 3 separate times to leave his room before she actually exited the room, & even proceeded to call him an a--hole upon exiting his room. She then stated "she did not have to put up with him".
I understand confused people can be disagreeable & hard to work with. One would think professional healthcare workers would be trained to deal properly & compassionately with the elderly when they are disconcerted & unsettled. My father asked the RN to report this woman, to which the nurse responded, " oh she's just having a bad day, she didn't mean anything by it, " this upset my father profusely, to see his friend being treated in such an unkind & offensive manner. No one was stopping her or being a patient advocate to my father's ill & confused friend.
My father has always loved this hospital & has always received such wonderful care. It only takes one ungrateful employee to show what kind of people are allowed to work at this facility. I understand sometimes we have a bad day & can lose our control, but it is never acceptable to treat a person in this manner. I certainly hope this Tammy is removed from patient care because this is not where she belongs. If I would have witnessed her unspeakable actions, I would have reported her immediately for elder abuse. This is not something to take lightly. I'm a teacher & if I were to ever act in this manner, not alone, SWEAR at one of my students I would be dismissed immediately. I certainly hope this situation gets investigated & the appropriate action is taken.


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