16 days ago

Multimodal unreliable

Following letter written to Multimodal Shipping Services

M/S Jayadevan, Multimodal Shipping Services

Not yet received the refund of my money $323 (Rs27,000). There are dozens of correspondence in record which is an open & shut case of the offence committed for making the demand on a fake claim which I knew then itself but as I was threatened by both of you of not releasing the goods I was forced to pay the extortion money to SFL at the instruction of Multimodal on the ground of a fake claim of 'Intensive Checking by US Customs'. You could never substantiate it with the receipt of Customs on this account despite asking you multiple times.
Of course it is a different issue that even after payment of this money, SFL had been withholding our goods as hostage for several weeks when we complained to the authorities here for harassing me.
When I asked Utkarsh of SFL about Customs receipt repeatedly, every time he was referring to Dhivya of Multimodal although the money was paid to SFL who exactly knew that was a fake claim and they were helping each other to extort more money from me. Fortunately, there are more than two dozens of correspondence on this subject to establish the offence.
This money must be refunded to me without further delay. It doesn't matter whether in USD or INR. I have referred the case to authorities both in India as well as in USA and shall continue to pursue the same till I receive the money back. If you want to pay in INR, Multimodal can pay this amount to a Charitable Organization in Chennai which Jayadevan knows OR, SFL can return the fund through the same channel as I paid them.
Please remember your inaction will not resolve the issue but can only tarnish your reputation further and that too for such a paltry amount,

Bishan Basu

Requested CM Office, Chennai to help me recover this money.


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