
ikang nurhidayat

3 years ago

The story of Garuda birth and deeds is told in the...

The story of Garuda birth and deeds is told in the first book of the great epic Mahabharata. According to the epic, when Garuda first burst forth from his egg, he appeared as a raging inferno equal to the cosmic conflagration that consumes the world at the end of every age. Frightened, the gods begged him for mercy. Garuda, hearing their plea, reduced himself in size and energy.
Garuda s father was the creator-rishi Kasyapa. His mother was Vinata, whose sister was Kadru, the mother of serpents. One day, Vinata entered into and lost a foolish bet, as a result of which she became enslaved to her sister.
Mahabharata mentions about a bet between sisters and wives of Kashyapa, Vinata and Kadru, about the colour of Uchchaihshravas s tail. While Vinata, the mother of Garuda and Aruna, said it was white, Kadru said it was black. The loser would have to serve as a servant of the winner. Kadru told her sons, Naga ( serpent ), to cover the tail of the horse and thus make it appear as black in colour and thus, Kadru won.

- you can find the complete story at stone relief at GWK Street Theater. And you should come to this when you at Bali
- tickets around 75K-100K


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