Saffron Starr

3 years ago



Pros: You can leave.
Cons: Artists.

This is an obvious, gut wrenching scam. Even if you like the idea of donating to the police, etc, you are really donating mostly to these crooks --look into it. It's enough to gag a maggot....

A former girlfriend worked here, and she told me most everything I needed to know. She was very desperate to find work, immediately, and this is the kind of place that will hire anyone, anytime..consider that. About half the "workforce" here has been to jail as well, but she was decent and moderately intelligent, which is why she was only here for about a week.

Of course, this is not the kind of "job" you will keep (people go in and out like magic)...unless, of course, you are a mindless snake that can just continuously run your mouth and lie.

The work....

There is extreme pressure to always be talking and selling. The "management" does do their job --they make sure you are doing what you're "supposed" to be doing, all the time, and without ceasing..... You have people continuously snapping their fingers in your ear and hovering over you....you will not be excused for any mistakes, no matter how "good" of an employee you are, or how long you've been there. They are also too afraid to let former employees show up for any reason...you cannot get your check there after you quit or are terminated (whichever comes sooner)...

Then, I worked here for just a few days --that's right-- I worked here! Why in the world, you ask? To get an inside look and report on what I witnessed. The clownery just sounded too irresistible and unbelievable, so I did a little of my own journalism ...

I could sense -immediately- that the environment oozed something extremely unsettling, yet I couldn't help but laugh at the thought that someone might actually continue to show up at this place......and I do sincerely pity anyone who works here. And I was not too damn surprised to find one of the biggest losers I've ever met in my life (JH) working here, and he was a great... salesman.

Since I didn't care about my "career" or "future" at this place (actually, I cared that I should leave as soon as possible), I didn't mind being a minute late....but they did. They actually berated me for being less than three minutes late, the first time I was there ..."Is there a good reason you decided not to show up on time?" Does it really, really matter?.... I didn't need them, so I did not hold my tongue......

At least have the conscience to check out what is really happening here, and take a good look at those who do sustain their "job" at this den of snakes.....

My final moments with "Statewide Appeal".......

Then, one shiny, happy day, I just cast my materials aside, suddenly stood up in the middle of my shift, hung up the phone, got my snacks, laughed my ass off, and headed for the door. One of the managers asked, "What's he doing, and why is he laughing?" That, my friends, is a no brainier..... and I could see the jealousy in everyone's eyes....

Like many telemarketing places, this one will be closing soon; I know a few people who will see to that...there is no "job" security here, and there never was. Find a real job and treat yourself with some dignity.


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