Chloe Vinson

3 years ago

Wingate and the wilderness experience has impacted...

Wingate and the wilderness experience has impacted me so much. It has changed my life. It has helped give me a push in the right direction again. The philosophy in the Anatomy of Peace is astonishing and mind blowing. Lots of times I treated my parents great, but I ve now realized that even though the action was good the motive behind the action was bad. I ve learned that you can do ANY action in a good or bad way... with a heart at peace or at war. I ve learned that when I do good actions while my heart is at war, it invites others to have a heart of war towards me because they can sense that I don t have clean of healthy motives in the action. I have picked up on many collusion cycles that I have had in my family. Now, I am aware and can fix those cycles. I have been made aware of my attachment disruptions and can now tell when I am doing these unhealthy habits and I am able to fix them before they go to far. When my parents were going through a divorce, my mom got cancer, and I got sent to Wingate... I saw my family and life crashing before me, but with the help of Wingate and everyone (including the students at Wingate) my family and I are back on our feet and you could say we planted a seed, on new ground, and now that tree is growing. I have no clue what that tree is yet, but I know it will be beautiful. Wingate has changed my life. And I thank Wingate and of course the staff, therapists, and even students for the impact they have made on my family and I. Thank You

-Chloe Vinson


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