Truong Truong Minh

3 years ago

The doctor was "thankful" by the woman's husband w...

The doctor was "thankful" by the woman's husband with a bullet after the delivery
Thu Trang As young intellectuals 05.27.16

The doctor was the husband's ill-fated women one has cause to "donate" a fatal bullet for some reason extremely mythical.

Shocking incident occurred on King Fahad Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi - Arabia in April this year.
According to the investigation said the man unidentified want a female doctor on midwife for his wife but could not.
Instead, a male doctor named Muhannad Al-Zabn was told that he was directly responsible for the birth of his wife, which made him very upset that he would see his wife naked.
A month after the births, the man may have gone to the hospital and asked to see a doctor to contact Al-Zabn. He said he wanted to thank the doctor for helping his wife and children, "New baby".
After al-doctoral appointment Zabn the doctor after the hospital flower garden, he immediately draws his gun against the doctor who was very puzzled that the shooting.
After the surprise attack, the man has to become a father to flee the scene but was arrested by police shortly afterwards.
According to Newsweek, Dr. Al-Zabn was rushed to the intensive care room of the hospital and luckily had the woods.
Cases occur again sparked debate on human rights issues for women in this country Muslims. Arab women - Arabia was suppressed by the many laws and policies demonstrate severe discrimination.
When going to public places, women here are required to wear a long-sleeved hooded coat called "abaya" and wear a headscarf that only leaves each eye open.
This provision is enforced by religious police and volunteers. Any one of a relative or intimate contact with the opposite sex are subject to severe punishment.
That is why the woman's husband in the back feel offended, actionable lost all reason as above.


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