3 years ago

October 23 2019 , Today I asked for food, and I wa...

October 23 2019 , Today I asked for food, and I was told that the church will no longer help financially, and I shoukd find another church to go to.

Sadly, it is July, 24 2019 and my kids and I are low on food. My benifits dropped dramatically once I began to work. When I asked for help from my local church, I was denied. They have helped my kids and I last month but dont want to help unless I'm tithing and in a church group anymore! I was referred to the Norcross coop ministry where the food is stale and the kids will not eat it. I have friend that attended regularly at victory and received six months to a year of help do to illness. Well I tithe all the time I attend the church, I just dont put my information on the envelope! I have come to the church for 15 years! I am still learning how to be a Christian but often get offended from the same people I am learning from. I have a lot to overcome but when your in survival mode you lose track a lot and try to keep faith trying believe your kids will get the necessities they need right now is no stale food and school clothes and a washer & dryer. I work and try to stay within my means. I tried to adjust finances and reduce cost still I have to work 12 hour days and still struggling. A hand out is if I came in my opinion every single day! A leg up is providing someone with the tools and necessities to prosper on his or her own and sustain with out tremendous failure. If I come to the church in a small group and I am worried how my kids are eating or how I will eat after the meeting is over do you think the word is taking affect? I am not enttitled to nothing and nobody owes me nothing. God says ask and your recieve, tell me in what verse where and why you will not receive under conditions or requirements. I will keep seeking my faith but it makes it difficult to listen when know one hears your cries for help!

Sunday January 24 2016 I attended church again and the message was hard to here but necessary. It was about tithing. What I liked was how real the pastor was with the message and i shook his hand for the first time but what I did not like was the mention of welfare as a negative in the sermon. The church is supported through tithing and I do understand about bringing the money to the storehouse etc... however most people who tithe want the money to help the church as well as outside the church. Should there be a limit on how many times a person is helped. Jesus helps everyone and died for our sins. He mentioned welfare as to say the church is not a welfare organization and people take advantage and tell their friends... well the economy is in trouble so is the presidential election along with poverty and employment. The welfare sends people with low income a resource list and this church is one of them. Most people ask if your involved in a church family. So does the church only want to help members only. What about the community they reside in and the missions to help other countries. I have my own issues to deal with and need God's help to work them out. However it felt offensive to say to a welfare reiceipent in other words don't ask for anything from our church unless u get saved or become a member.


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