4 years ago

As apartment owners in a small town, in talking to...

As apartment owners in a small town, in talking to
Justin McElroy a year ago he did not think a person could make much of a difference as an entrepreneur. It would be easier to work for a large company. Then he went to work for Young America Realty and learned the real estate business, earned a basic license, and began the work of renting and dealing with rental clients. Justin has reversed his opinion and realizes that entrepreneurship is possible with long hours, hard work and a desire to learn. He will graduate with a job and a desire to eventually invest in a field he knew nothing of a year ago. Entrepreneurs begin with a belief in the possibilities of success and Young America helped with that. In a time of confusion Justin has grown to believe that some people make it because they are willing to learn, see failure as a type of success and try again with creativity . One more success by working and learning. Thank you Young America and good luck in helping others believe in the American Dream.
Ed and Anne Pool
All your workers might want to read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"


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