Melvin SM

3 years ago

For anyone who values integrity, morals, accountab...

For anyone who values integrity, morals, accountability, responsibility or just basic customer service then stay away from Amy Steele.
Before we signed the contract with Amy & Homestar brokers there was nothing wrong, but after we signed EVERYTHING went downhill. It started small like the answer to the questions we had that made no sense & her lack of general realtor knowledge. Then problems got bigger, like lacking knowledge of the comps in our area, listing us too high, not being available as she was out of town every weekend so we had her list my number & I set up most the viewings myself, including the one that sold our home.
Amy struggled to keep on top of dates, most importantly the date of foreclosure on the preliminary title report for the home we were buying. We had even taken the time to ask her about it but throughout the process it became clear she NEVER read the report & when pushed she even went as far as claiming it wasn t on there despite us being able to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
When confronted she said it s all the other realtors fault & that when she talked to him he told her it was fine so she did her part. This was a theme of Amy always taking the word of people during the legal transaction & never getting proper documentation, proof or even following up to ensure it was correct.
The absolute worst part of her neglect was after hearing we lost our dream home due to her negligence we then found out that she did not protect our current home by making the sale contingent on the procurement of our new home so, in essence in 2 wks we were about to be homeless. When asked why she didn t put it in there her reply was well I just thought it was all going to go through . After toting 13yrs of experience like a badge of honor you would think she would know that everything you do in this line of work should be documented.
We had reached out to the principal broker well before everything caught fire, we told him a list of things that happened & that we were uncomfortable with the transaction. We also politely explained our perspective & how horrible our experience was. Eric, the principal broker made no attempt to EVER call us to hear our side/complaints. We did eventually get a email but only after we had written Amy letting her know we would go forward with the sale (not that we had legal choice) but that we would not be using her for the next purchase.
With a potential loss to his bottom line we weren t surprised to get a reply from Eric instead of Amy. What was surprising was to see his email full of lies (despite that we could prove everything), his defensive nature regarding Amy, his complete & total lack of empathy, the fact that he didnt even ONCE ask us a single question about any of the things we said happened. It was completely clear he didn t care nor did he want any part in making us feel like we meant anything more than the paycheck he was going to get from our sale.
Eric did eventually offer us $700 to cover inspections costs which he called good faith money but then told us we could pick it up BUT only after the funding of the sale, which we felt was just another way of holding us hostage in a already legally precarious situation they were responsible for putting us in. We truly felt powerless & the $700 was insulting compared to what we lost in the transaction.
So once again feeling the only thing we had was our voice I wrote a reply. I plead for him to look at us as the people we are & try to understand our perspective. I directly addressed the lies letting him know we had proof but at every turn we were shown how cold & calculated he was. Towards the end of this transaction they had stopped answering our questions completely.
This is a small part of our story with character limits but we truly hope this review helps even at least one person from falling victim. We have text messages & documents to prove everything in this review.


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