Wadda Louw

4 years ago



This was the answer from The Duchess of Wisbeach's owner when I complained about their (illegal) refusal to serve tap water to our table, and when I objected to them using the Cape Town drought as an excuse not to serve our table 1 of tap water. Apparently they hold the belief that tap water is too scarce to drink.

The fact that they charge R42 for a 750ml bottle of water (which retails for R 9.42), they assert, has no bearing on their refusal.

Here is an extract of the owner's email response when we questioned the practise for you to make up your own mind about the quality of hospitality that awaits! :)

May i remind you that Cape Town is experiencing a drought
We certainly do not supply tap water for drinking. We save every bit of water we can
I am not implying.....I am catagorically stating that WE SAVE WATER BY NOT CONSUMING WATER
I would have thought that this was absolutely obvious.


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