Ethan Cundiff

4 years ago

Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank, you might ask? ...

Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank, you might ask? Well, no one knows, and its not our government (but they want you to believe it is!) And they're making a HUGE profit and no one knows who gets the money. This bank prints our money (a power given to CONGRESS in our Constitution) and controls interest rates...and no one has any power over them! Ever since their conception in 1913 they've lessened the value of the US dollar by 96% and the only people that benefit are the Fed's owners - but no one knows who they are. The Federal Reserve Bank should be illegal- They have too much power (and they're private, not public...but you can't buy stocks in them...) Go on the internet and find sketchy stories of its conception and corruption through the decades...END THE FED!!


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