April Hoi

4 years ago

What a horror this.

What a horror this.
Especially the verbal test, synonyms that my gutter father doesn't even know or suddenly an "anagram" in between, while nowhere is told that an anagram can also occur, and despite the anagram there is also a very logical answer with the word what an anagram I have no idea what exactly they want to test with this.
But one answer is good, but then you get these two options under the answers "Book is to paper if Sand is to beach" and "Tree is to paper if Sand is to glass".

So now you have to decide which of these two options want LTP, instead of the one answer which is also correct in principle giving you an 80% and the correct is 100% .. the incorrect is just ERROR.
So there is your test object, with 10 seconds on the clock, 3 more questions to go, trying to think which of the logical options LTP has judged as correct.
So it becomes more of a test for your candidate how well this LTP knows based on the practice tests.

The same goes for the numerical test in any measure, how a person makes a calculation and has come up with an answer says a lot about the type of meat you have in the tub. However, you cannot see that anywhere, in other words .. candidate's thought process cannot be viewed and that is unfortunate and perhaps even somewhat misleading, because a wrong answer was not always a wrong calculation.
And I wonder if putting the candidate in a room with everything on paper does not give a better insight.

Do you want to purchase this assessment for your company? Would I first take the test together with a number of employees (possibly on the practice site) and see if you get the idea that this will give a good picture or not.
Because I doubt it.

And by the way, I haven't even mentioned a candidate with a bad day and the fact that there is apparently an advice to take enough preparation time for these tests as someone who does not immediately roll out of the school desks and most companies made them within a day which probably also pollutes the results. This group is more of applying knowledge logically to live situations and switching to answering questions in a booklet is apparently just a switch.


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