Keda Byrd

4 years ago

I'm a mother of 3 young boys. My eldest is 19 mont...

I'm a mother of 3 young boys. My eldest is 19 months and the 2 younger boys are 6 month old twins. Obviously life is already a little interesting in our house.
One night my eldest son was worming his way off of the opposite couch from his father and me. We were laid back watching movies before bedtime. I'm not sure if he didn't have a good grip, slipped, got his self hung up some how or what. But my boy rolled off the couch trying to get down and hit his head. Instantly I had dad go get an ice pack and washcloth for me while I calmed our boy. When monster finally turned to me the side of his head (on the temple) was swollen to the size of a golf ball within seconds. It was black and blue with a small abrasion already starting. So instantly we packed up, loaded up, and headed out. Anyone that has kids knows that a tired toddler that hasn't had a nap is difficult to keep awake. Monster refused to stay awake. All I could do was get him to move and respond some way for me.
When we reached the hospital and located the er, they reacted quick at first. We were triaged and sent to the waiting room. With where he hit, how badly swollen it was, and the chances of ANY damage you'd think they'd hurry. There was hardly anyone in the waiting room. 3 hrs in the waiting room. We only went back because I started going to the desk highly pissed off. I have three friends that have had brain injuries. Saved or not what damage is done is done. There is no errasing the injury. Only memories and knowledge.
Once we were in the room I asked the woman placing us what took so long. She gave me some hipe about every place was booked and bla bla bla. When I expressed my concerns for my son she was snippy with me. 'No, if damage is done it will be okay.' it wasn't even what she said. It was the attitude and her turning on her heels and leaving before I could open my mouth. She really had the nerve after I sat and watched people come in after us. Laughing, walking around, goofing off, etc. go back before us. 3 hours of this and she wants to be snippy with me? Really? I couldn't help but finally snap. I was already net and pissed because of everything in the waiting room. I won't snap on someone that doesn't deserve it, but when they ask for it I don't mind dishing one bit. My husband was trying to calm me as I ranted not so quietly ready to go find a doctor myself or someone. The same woman comes back in crying and apologizing complaining about how hard the night had been in her.... Hmmm.... If you can't take the heat get a new damn profession. Y'all had my toddler son wait e hrs with a moderate concussion for me to her about how hard your night in the er has been? You've got to be kidding me. They just need to shut the place down and save the lives of the poor souls they don't care about.


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