JohnBoy H

3 years ago

$134,133 collected in annual membership fees? and ...

$134,133 collected in annual membership fees? and counting.

Reviews on Demandforce are painfully inconsistent with other sites. I contacted Demandforce to ask from where the reviews were gleaned since site visitors are NOT invited to review. .

The site reports 2747 reviews per this update. Demandforce reports they verify each review as unique per phone conversation. 2747 unique patients billed $49 each year = $134,133. NOTE: I chose NOT to include the client generated reviews from other sites because I cannot verify the number of unique users. Two of those sites contain 53 rating 3 & fewer stars. 53 x 49 = $2497

This Practice s providers do & will listen to you. The Practice will not. Case in point: The first paragraph in this review. SOMEONE does read reviews but chooses to ignore rather than respond effectively with US, their patients re: any negative concerns. I was told by the 3 providers on my team, "Your expectations are too high (re: wait times, wound care, data based diagnoses)". So, yes, I was heard.

If you have a mainstream job with a traditional schedule. Keep researching. If you require alternative transportation like family, friend, service. Keep researching. Your wait time is guaranteed to be incredibly L O N G. I waited so long for my FIRST appointment the Practice could only offer an earlier appointment THE. FOLLOWING. MORNING!

I strongly suggest that you do NOT get pulled into the whole, Our physicians care about each patient and will spend as much time as necessary with each schtick. They DOUBLE book more regularly than any other provider in my long chronic history.

My PCP at this Practice is amazing & intuitive. He interprets complicated lab results like no other in my experience. I see another provider, an FNP at this Practice, too. She introduced me to recent research data re: my chronic disease & initiated a new medication regime. I did have serious issues with both of them re: appropriate communication and wait time. Sadly, I felt blamed by both; one suggested my standards are too high, I don t know what else we can do.

I encourage everyone referred to the Dermatology department to request a second opinion before any procedure is scheduled. I hear her supervisory doctor is good. I never saw him. He did, however, diagnose a rare genetic skin disorder via biopsy report and copious notes written very well by his representative at this Practice. With that said, the first line treatment being 5-FU was approved by my Insurance; an alternative was not. However, the application instructions were WRONG. just, wrong. I got very sick. A patient portal message to my FNP went ignored and forwarded to the PA. I brought my 5-FU to an appointment to request a clarification of actual application; how apply some is defined. Full disclosure: the area = 12inches above my knew down to my ankle x2 & 6inches above my elbow down to my wrist x2. The question was met with frustration and a similar answer offered, Just not a lot!

It took almost 3 Months for a Basal Cell excision to heal. Stitches were removed 3 weeks post procedure. Erupted a week later resulting in an ER visit. At the 10 week mark GET THIS I was told (This Practice) is not a wound center and that they did not have the supplies to offer, Just turn the blue bandage over and use the other side Sadly, I wasn t told (this Practice) isn t a wound center until week 10. All that time I was scheduled every Monday ~ Double Booked with another patient ~ my insurance was billed and I paid my co-pay each visit.

I sent a message to my primary provider via the Patient Portal at Week 8. And, again, it was NOT read but forwarded to the PA. Again, remember This Practice bills each patient a $49 Annual Membership Fee for this service.

I did maximized the convenience the Clinic provides: lab & imaging. Personnel in each are supportive and personable.

The front desk presents a level of hospitality inconsistent with the actual tone of the Clinic. I appreciate the Front Desk more than I can express.


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