Justin Wirpel

4 years ago



We are in the process of repairing the failed plaster of our Keith Zars pool. After draining the pool, it seems water leaked from dozens of places through the pool (the little white spots in the photos) this caused water to leak between the layers of plaster and concrete, ultimately weakening the concrete to the point where rusted rebar is exposed in several places (the other photo showing you how water poured out of the space between the plaster and concrete as they removed the brittle failed plaster). This will not be a cheap repair. I certainly recommend you look into vendors other than Keith Zars. The pool is very pretty, but it seems clear that it was built to a very low standard of quality.

*Update Complete*

Some companies get so large that they no longer care about individual customers. That must be the case with Keith Zars. I just bought a new house in San Antonio. It has a Keith Zars pool. The pool's plaster has failed, and despite a warranty and a service plan maintained by the former owner, it appears that the equipment in the back has several leaks and has been particularly poorly maintained.

I wanted to do some upgrades to the pool, but Keith Zars company was unwilling to send anyone to meet me without paying for a service call. They would not even answer my questions on the leaks without charging for the visit. Sorry, but there are better companies that are more interested in my business than this one; I strongly recommend choosing someone else.


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