Aylie Campbell

4 years ago

(2017) LifeLine dramatically changed my life. I wi...

(2017) LifeLine dramatically changed my life. I wish every teenager could experience this treatment facility; not because they need help but because LifeLine teaches incredible life skills. I am an addict, & I always will be, but that does not define me. LifeLine helped me in ways I could never explain & they also helped my family. With extensive family therapy sessions I am finally comfortable with talking to my family. My parents have benefited from this program as well. They've learned how to have proper boundaries and how to stop enabling my behavior as well as other family members who weren't fortunate enough to get help. I love LifeLine, I am now apart of the mentoring staff. I cant wait to dedicate my life to helping others in the way that saved my life when I was 16

EDIT (2018):
I come across my review on LifeLine quite often due to google sending me constant email reminders that hundreds of people see my review daily. I felt compelled to come back and give full detail on LifeLine, as many past clients feel the need to give an unfair rating because of their negative connotation with LifeLine. (Which is fair I guess, kids will be kids.)

There are pros and cons to every rehabilitation center. I imagine sending your child away for help is one of the most difficult decisions to ever make, but the reward is worth so much more than the risk.

Personally, I do put everyone who runs LifeLine on a pedestal. These people spend their days and weeks and months going to the absolute greatest extent for the clients. Shane has helped so many families who aren t well-off enough with scholarships for the program. All of the clinical therapists make a clean and clear effort to help clients create healthy relationships in EVERY corner of their life. While I cannot speak on the current direct care staff members, I can confidently say that the Clinical Director would never choose someone who isn t qualified to work with these kids.

LifeLine has 4 phases to help clients transition back into reality. You spend the first month or two in constant therapeutic exercises, going to 7+ groups a day all tailored for different life lessons. Once the therapists, your family, the staff, and the client all agree that they re ready to go home, LifeLine helps start slow! You get to go home for 2 nights a week, and you get to help mentor other newer clients, as you re considered the oldcomer . Then it goes day treatment, then intensive outpatient. The client s best interest is always at the forefront of everyone s brain. It s so much better to have all the support you need while transitioning out of constant therapy, rather than to stay somewhere residentially for 8 months and being thrown back into the world where everyone expects you to act like a normal human being. People need help, and that s okay. TEENAGERS NEED EXTRA HELP. THATS OKAY! LifeLine recognizes that.

I was 16 years old when I was placed in treatment unwillingly. I absolutely hated it. I resented my parents, I resented the staff, I was mad at everyone BUT myself. Luckily, LifeLine helped me get my head on straight. There was a big shift in my reality that made me realize: i couldnt live like this anymore. so, it was either i kill myself, or i get my life together now so i can live it happily like i deserve. Clearly I made the right decision. Everyday is a struggle but I am so lucky i have good parents who forced me into it because my drug addiction or my mentality would ve killed me if it weren t for LifeLine.

If you took the time to read this, thank you. Your child deserves a place like LifeLine. Be willing to work with them. Be willing to change some things within yourself. No family is perfect, but I think the only reason I turned out as well as I did is because my PARENTS benefited from LifeLine just as much as I did, and they continue to implement the tools they learned in the relationships with their younger children as well. I wish nothing but the best for every kid and their family who enters LifeLine. You will not be disappointed if you re willing to work with them.


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