Michael Omalley

4 years ago

I used to love coming to Canyon Hills Community Ch...

I used to love coming to Canyon Hills Community Church.... that is, until Pastor Steve Walker decided he was above the law and wasn't going to abide by the governors orders regarding no inside church services as well as limits on the number of people who could be inside the church once in person services had been given the okay to resume.

If your Pastor won't abide by the law and the rules that have been put in place to protect the general public's health and safety, which lincludes the churches parishioners, then what else might he be doing that would call into question his character, integrity, and ability to put the lives and best interests of his parishioners over his own selfish and irresponsible desires to put people in the church's seats simply for the purpose of putting money in the collection plates?!?!?!

I get it, I really do. No people in the seats means less money in the collection plates because people aren't giving as much online as they do in person. But, people are getting sick with the Corona virus AND DYING from it and Pastor Steve Walker doesn't give a damn as long as his own personal paycheck keeps coming in!!! And, in addition, the church isn't even trying to sanitize the church between it's 3 Sunday services!!!

Steve Walker has now put himself in the same league as the likes of Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Robert Tilton, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, and so many other money grabbing so called "holy men"!!!

I have lost all respect for Steve Walker now since he believes the rules and laws don't apply to him and he can just do whatever he wants!!

When this pandemic is over, I will leave Canyon Hills Community Church forever! Until then, I will maintain my position at the church in order to be able to report more on the activities of Steve Walker and the elders that are not in the best interest of the church members and their health, safety, and overall spiritual growth and wellness!!!


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