Melissa Bertoch

4 years ago

Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for the ...

Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for the staff, parents, and kids we came in contact with while my daughter was at LifeLine - it literally was our lifeline. Our experiences have bonded some of us together forever. If it weren't for this program, I don't know where our family would be. We were able to break free from unhealthy cycles. We gained tools that helped every single person in our home. It was a very humbling experience for me to identify that I was a huge contributor to my daughter's depression and addiction.

Deciding to send your child to a treatment center is one of the hardest things a parent can do. I kept thinking, "How do I know she'll be safe?" The first thing that stood out to me was my interaction with Katye and Shane. They showed such compassion and immediately took steps to build trust. When Katye assured me she'd hug my daughter when I couldn't, I felt such relief. She was patient with us on our tour and welcomed our questions. Shane connected with us and gave us reassurance through his actions, not just his words.

The staff kept us updated on our daughter's progress regularly. On those rare occasions when we did have a concern, our feedback was listened to and steps were taken to resolve the issue. They were open and honest with parents and always transparent in their dealings. McKenzie, her therapist, was amazing. She pushed my daughter in ways no other therapist had. She never let her avoid difficult topics and helped her see she was strong enough to deal with them.

The parent seminar is one of the most difficult, but rewarding parts of the program. We got to experience a taste of what our children were going through. We bonded with other parents. We learned about the power of connections and vulnerability. This part of the program was probably the most insightful for me personally. I easily identified behaviors that were contributing to my daughter's addiction and gained tools to change those behaviors. It helped me have empathy for her. That said, you cannot expect to drop your child off and experience a miracle if YOU and your child do not do the work. Attending parent meetings and therapy is critical if you want to see lasting change. In fact, I miss the parent meetings!

When I look back on the last year, I smile. Last year at this time, we were lost in chaos and doing our best to celebrate the holidays without our child. Today, I can say without a doubt, that giving up one Christmas with my child was well worth it. The structure and safety they gave to us all helped us change our lives. A year later she is working at LifeLine and helping others with similar struggles.


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