
koencastrum houmo

3 years ago

First, the building looks like a Stasi prison.

First, the building looks like a Stasi prison.
The lift is even slower than a race for the disabled.
Currywurst was again a non-offer, 10 euros for a bunch of scammers.
NCOI Training is wrong, what a scammer that is. Pay well for nothing, yes, you pay to feel your brain dead.

Average IQ here is lower than Maastricht. And there is no cultural diversity, just Turks.

I will not offend anyone personally, because these people already have a hard enough life. It's better to become a camp keeper in Bergen-Belsen than to guard this gang here.

The Wifi here is even slower than the Wifi in Africa. The inside looks anyway as if the interior was imported from a third world country.

I just switched to Harvard University, also a large prison, but at least there you get the desired level of education.

Wine is for wine, what a toilet water is that man.

SCHIJTDEGGER trains you to become an employee with the thinking level of a truck driver.


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