Review of Epicodus

3 years ago

I'm pretty certain the other reviews were written ...

I'm pretty certain the other reviews were written at the request of the staff at Epicodus. I know this because I've heard from other classmates who were contacted to give a review. The reviewers were handpicked for their enthusiasm for the program. You can imagine that they would have had a positive experience if they had gotten a job. Well, there are many people who went through Epicodus who are not developers today. Epicodus no longer even shares employment data on their website. They counted an offer of employment as employment. So if you were offered a one week freelance job, you were counted as employed. If you were offered a job and it never materialized, it also counted.

When I was in class, Michael stood up in front of all of us and told us that 1/3 of us would be hired by the end of our internships, 1/3 would be hired one month after internships were over, and the remaining 1/3 would have jobs within 3 months of the program ending. That did not happen. Not even close. Michael also told us he'd provide us with employment statistics 100 days after the program ended. That didn't happen.

Also, check out the credentials of the instructors. During my time there, all of the instructors were former students who had little to no industry experience. Talk about the blind leading the blind! If the instructor couldn't hack it, they were moved to curriculum creation or admissions or some other sort of admin role.

To get a dev job when you've completed a program at Epicodus, you will need to be some combination of young, attractive, have a prior experience with coding, and extremely intelligent. Why? Because those things would land you a coding job without Epicodus. Don't believe you will be "transformed" by the program into a developer. You have to fit the bill before you enter the program. Don't believe the "anyone can do it" hype.

ITT Tech recently shut its doors. For Profit schools need to be careful. Until then, they'll continue to funnel millions of dollars out of students' pockets.

Edit: As you can see by the response of the "owner" below, they can make whatever claims they'd like, and they can say what I say isn't true. It may not be true as of "today" but it was definitely true when I attended and finished the program. Also, they have rigid requirements for determining if someone is "actively" seeking a job. If you don't meet those requirements, then you're considered to not be job searching.


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