M Washington

3 years ago


If possible to leave a -0- star for ratings I would gladly do so. As a proscpective first time home owner I was so excited when my wife and I began the process with L&F and Jane Myers. In the beginning communication was poor and infrequent. We chalked that up to busy schedules and were patient because we knew that in the end of all this our reward would be our new home. My realtor tried several times to contact Ms. Myers and found it very difficult to get a hold of her. Once we signed the contract after going through a long process of reviewing paperwork and making sure everything was up to code for submission. We had stopped our search for our home feeling we found it! To my understanding Ms. Myers had 60 days to submit the paperwork to the bank and NEVER did! During those 60 days we tried (our realtor and my husband and I) to get an update on the status and she NEVER returned our calls. We had hoped this was because we were in the stages of closing things up but now see it was a stalling tactic. Perhaps she wanted to wait to give the tenants more time in the home but our papers were SIGNED and waiting to be submitted. In our eyes this was OUR HOME. Today we signed the void addendum because we can no longer hold off on our dream of being home owners. We reached out via E-Mail and Phone call and believe our realtor even tried texts but there has been almost total silence on her side. This is absolutely horrible! We have been very patient and have wanted nothing more than to be home owners and are currently in a living situation that isn't the best for myself and my two children. How can you dangle someones hopes for creating a better life for themselves and their family in front of their face and not treat it with ANY respect?! All we've ever asked for is to be treated fairly and it was NEVER felt. She is a terrible representative of the Long and Foster team and I would hope that reason we haven't heard back is because she's no longer employed there. WRONG! She is still there. AVOID Jane Myers at all cost!!!!!


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