Mike Mcgivern

4 years ago

An attorney whom works at this firm and their part...

An attorney whom works at this firm and their partner helped facilitate the illegal dissemination of my privledged health records during a custody trial. The attorney directly cited, verbatim, word for word , the contents of medical records from 7 years before the custody trial. The attorney weaponized the illegally obtained records during my cross examination at the custody trial. Eventually the trial judge picked up on the fact that attorney klevan was reading from privledged mental health records prompting the offending attorney to reshuffle her paperwork and claim the information had been obtained in a deposition (a review of said deposition showed no reference to any of the privledged health information in either the index or pages themselves). It came out that the attorney had accepted this information from my estranged father whom was acting as her expert witness in an insurance case she had filed 1 week after my first custody hearing. I would caution any litigant against getting involved with this firm.


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