4 years ago

Ik zou dit beter in mijn eigen taal vertellen

Ik zou dit beter in mijn eigen taal vertellen

I was doing course at scheidegger ( Medewerker Beheer ICT)

One day in class, one day in Utrecht(far ride; In and back out the building in 5 min)

Everything was onprofessioneel, everytime i called the headoffice; they keep on telling me to contact scheidegger; which is what I have been doing all the time.

No stageplek available; they cant help You out on that

You try to cancel the whole study; they Cant do that.

Every time a new module is available; but if You dont get lessons and no stage plek available; what can You learn.

Every Month the cursusgeld keeps coming adding up, but if You not getting Any type of lesssons how would I be able to pay iT (its not right to pay for something You tried to cancel but they never could gave a prober Answer.

That Said its the Bills getting more and taxes on top of those late Bills

I spent around 4000 for something I couldnt cancel, no teachers no les; no books ,no on gave a prober Answer, this was a 1 year course which i did maybe 1 to 2 Months.
Now imagine if this was a 2 year course, that would be double.

Now I tried calling concerning a diploma, i had to pay al that amount first before anything, took a while pay iT, Now iT finishes paid i still couldnt get the diploma.

IT hurt really bad that i lost al that money, no diploma and no duidelijk Answer its a Shame!!!!!


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