3 years ago

I am a regular at Ten Thousand Waves, but I hadn't...

I am a regular at Ten Thousand Waves, but I hadn't been since about Oct 2019. I returned for a soak last night (1/13/20) and there were some changes and treatment that I feel like I need to comment/provide feedback on.

Upon check in, Riot greeted us but was not personable or friendly. She informed us that prices had gone up (doubled!!), but if you had the local card, prices would remain the same. We shared that we came up from ABQ and did not have the local card with us - we forgot it at home - and asked if we could get the local price anyway. She rudely informed us that was not possible - even though she had my NM id and you get the card when you check out! I literally could have reached across the desk and gotten one and she wouldn't have known, so the interaction was unnecessary. When we checked out, we mentioned that we forgot our card, and another employee happily gave us the discount but reminded us to bring the card next time.

The women's dressing room has changed dramatically, and while it is very nice, there is zero room for modesty. We opened the door and literally ran into several women completely nude, who were chatting/loitering and rubbing lotion in hard to reach areas (therefore were in awkward poses). I don't have a problem with nudity whatsoever, but it is a little shocking to open the door and without walking two steps in, be greeted by the internal cavities of another human without asking for it (hahaha!).

We were also quite put off when these same women made fun of us to our faces for changing into our suits in the restroom stalls rather than stand in the middle of the dressing to change - there was little room to do so because it was crowded. This is not necessarily a reflection of the business, but the layout does change the atmosphere and other guests' behavior. Same thing happened when we showered to leave. There are no curtains on the showers anymore (instead, there are layered metal beads that you can see right through) and the mirrors at the sinks across the bathroom are positioned in such a way that you are seen in the shower from the mirror. I think it is important to meet in the middle and be understanding that most folks will want some level of privacy (and are entitled to that), but at the same time I totally understand that there will be others who are ok with no privacy at all. Also, if you allow children to soak, another reason to have options - while we were in the dressing room, there were three little girls under 10 who looked extremely uncomfortable.

I would return, of course, because I always have a great soak and I (almost always) love the atmosphere/staff!


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