
4 years ago

I went through this program about a year ago. This...

I went through this program about a year ago. This was a very challenging part of my life and it definitely wasn't easy.If people want to call this "abuse", that is fine. Simply put I don't think it would ever of been possible for me to get off the drugs I was on without this place. In drastic situations, drastic reactions are required sometimes. Even if this was a really challenging and painful time for me, I have never felt so loved and cared for in my entire life. You build relationships , and face the same struggles with a team. I felt I had family. Every kid i went to rehab with left a mark on me, as well as every staff. I learned to handle things calmly, and think rationally. I now recognize my behavior and how I fell into a hole in the first place. Going through this program gave me the confidence , to go through out life. I wasted such a large portion of my teenage years using drugs, and remaining stagnant. I have grown and accomplished more through this short year than i did combining all the years, 13-16. I have no clue what my life would look like without lifeline , and its scary to think about what if. I don't think I would of been long for this world with the direction I was heading. It truly is a shame, that so many people out there cant get the help that they need. All rehabilitation centers have their flaws, but the love I was supplied with in this one, helped me fight my addiction. My peers that also went to lifeline believed in me, my clinician , the staff, and my parents all believed in me. This is what gave me the strength to stay sober, and now when I doubt my self, I have a crowd of people i know who believed I could do it. They fill me with courage when I am in a drought. There is no guarantee, that even the best program in the world will work for a person. Ultimately its up the person who is the addict, but without a foundation of support even the best person isn't likely to quit. Lifeline is different for the very reason that it is family based and filled with love. The belief and love given to me was enough to cause a revolution of change in my life. I highly recommend this place.


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