4 years ago

I worked for this company and I regret every secon...

I worked for this company and I regret every second of it. This company does not train its employees, so don't fall for their advertisements that they do. They take good hearted people and immediately put them into busy houses watching multiple developmentally disabled men. This place is always, always, always understaffed and new employees are never given the time and attention to learn to correctly. It is inevitable that you will make mistakes, and the long term staff know that as well. In fact, it is well known that the employees of Village Community Services set new employees up to have med errors. While there I heard from no less than 8 employees who all complained that they were set up to have med errors by staff who did not like them.

I also witnessed staff yelling at and even assaulting vulnerable, developmentally disabled adults and the senior management did nothing to stop it. In fact, they went out of their way to protect their friends.

Working with developmentally disabled adults is a challenge that is rewarding and trying. I was disgusted to find some really toxic and I believe mentally unstable people at VCS watching the clients. MAKE SURE you are trained effectively.

Most Important: Don't let them switch you from house to house on the same day. They do this intentionally to make you mess up on meds. Don't listen to a long term employee if they assure you that they gave all the meds for you. They are doing this to make you have med errors.

Please do yourself a favor, if you really want to work with developmentally disabled adults, please investigate the companies before you join. I wish I had. After suffering verbal abuse, harassment and retaliation at this company I finally quit and found a job in the same industry that I love. I make way more money than I did working for VCS and I am given the freedom and respect I deserve.

The clients are wonderful. They have challenges that they are bravely facing. They need your love and support. They also need less people yelling at them, and less people trying to control or micro-manage them. You can make a positive difference in their lives, but you can do better than this company.


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