
3 years ago

My mom passed away in this hospital in a weird way...

My mom passed away in this hospital in a weird way a pain in her leg turn into something deadly they out her to sleep and never open her eyes again how is that even possible they call me early in the morning telling that she need blood I ask the doctor if she was ok he said yes but she was still sleep one hour later my sister called me that the doctors told her that my mom won't open her eyes anymore and that she would stop breathing at 5pm they knew the time already now the doctors said it was a stroke that her brain was dead 80% ok so they telling me in one hour they did all this test? No no no something wrong is here I been in the hospital and when they check your brain it takes time for someone to come and pick u up the rest takes 45 minutes so they telling me they did all that in one hour? No please if you have your mother or anyone in the hospital make sure you ask what meds she getting and write the name of the nurses doctors this nurse is somewhere making more mistake only god knows if she had done this to other people


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