Benjamin Seaver
Review of Epicodus

4 years ago

Like a Job that Leads to a Career

Like a Job that Leads to a Career

The Epicodus 6 month bootcamp program is for the courageous and dedicated person who desires to transition into a high tech career.

It is NOT like a college or university program with several classes and a schedule you can design for yourself.

It is like a demanding entry level job. One must be there 8 to 5, Monday to Friday week after week for 6 months. One cannot afford to take days off. And yes, one needs to stay dedicated and regularly study during nights and weekends.

The reward for completing this program, is knowing that you can in fact work in a fast paced software development environment. You can in fact work well both alone and also all day with colleagues. And you can work with a variety of modern computer languages, frameworks and tools, in a short amount of time. You know this, because this is what you have been doing for 6 months.

Proof is both in your Github portfolio and in a rigorous report of accomplishment and attendance from Epicodus.

Epicodus is a credible organization that reliably produces qualified software development and high tech workers in their 6 month program.


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