Dorian Smith

4 years ago

I attended this school K-6 grade, and am currently...

I attended this school K-6 grade, and am currently a freshman in Highschool. My experience got worst over the years and the staff began to become less careful of their jobs and did nothing to stop the bullying in the administration. They continued to belittle kids for being quote bad when they didn t try to work with their learning styles, and the reason many students failed due to material that they didn t understand. Along with that, the lunch was horrible and they obviously played favorites to children who got higher test scores and better grades. Teachers kept students from going to lunch as punishment, and only gave us 5 minutes to eat. Also, giving out lunch detentions for things as little as forgetting to get your homework or planner signed. I wish any kid who goes there currently has a better experience than I did, and that they fixed the problems that I went through, because my experience at this school is the reason that my mental health suffers today due to lack of support from teachers and bullying that made me want to commit suicide.


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