Kento Gurung

3 years ago


Dealing with Philip has been absolutely awful.
Lets start - shows up late to the initial viewing, with no notice. Doesn't have the key to the place, but thankfully has garage code. Gives me application and checks in the next day to see if it's in. Application was submitted in less than 72 hours
Application approved, we discuss fees, agree to everything, schedule to sign paperwork Monday for a move the last week of the month. We text him saying we needed to reschedule signing paperwork on Monday due to my husband being called into work, zero response from Philip. Continue to contact him all week via email, text, phone calls, the REI Management office, the company owner, every method possible. The trulia listing closes, and we assume that's because we're signing papers, but then it reopens. We attempt to continue to contact them all week. Then comes Saturday where he FINALLY gets in touch saying he has another family that wants the place, and because we asked to reschedule for the following Monday he "assumed we weren't interested." So now this other family is moving in, and we have lost time that is now spent rushing into another place. I cannot stress enough at how awful these people are at their jobs. Even immediately after Philip texted me today, I called him to see what was going on and he doesn't answer, and then suddenly there's an "emergency," and then finally he can get around to me and has zero answers, fully admits that he clearly has failed at his job, all communication, everything. Then turns the table saying he has another property available that we should look at because we have dogs. Then claims we are less desirable due to one dog poop complaint at our current residence aka pulling any excuse to make us as the bad guys, when he is the one clearly failing at his job. So here's to a huge waste of time from everyone involved (even after contacting the owner), and hopefully this review saves another family the never ending nightmare this whole situation was.


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