Christopher Meyer

4 years ago

Endless Recording Studios is the best out there! ...

Endless Recording Studios is the best out there! I've recorded there on multiple occasions with varying genres and with varying budgets, Dan made it all work flawlessly. His recording equipment puts others to shame with his microphones from Earthworks, Protools rig, sound isolation room and he even custom built his own console. Dan himself is great to work with and it's always been a great mix of serious work and fun.

As a professional percussionist, I must say that Dan gets the BEST drum sounds. In a studio, drums are always the hardest. There's no DI, everything jingles, microphone placement is an engineering science of its own and the drummer typically has to do a whole track in one take. Dan has patched me in mid cymbal hits and made it sound completely natural. He's also able to put a click or multiple musicians playing live into my headphones, depending on what the band needs.

He also has personal connections with CD printers and Mastering studios, it's the whole package!

In summary, go with Dan Jameson at Endless Studios, you'll be in great hands. The list of pro's are shall I say, Endless?


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