Alecia Bailey

3 years ago


NO ONE SHOULD SEND A CHILD TO DAVENPORT! they should be shut down for good!!! My daughter was talked onto leaving with another girl in January and was abducted by sex traffickers! The workers there are rude and should not be aloud to work with kids! when retrieving my daughters stuff all her expensive clothes and shoes were gone and she was given bags with some of her clothes mixed with garbage! i believe no child should go there because it is not a safe place! I was reading a article and it said the girls do not come from a " picket fence life style " witch is completely wrong my daughter was there because she has mental health issues and behavior problems so we tried to seak help to get her in a program to straighten her up! She lives a good life in a good area! So not all kids in there come from bad homes!! And to have a place in the middle of Detroit where there are abandoned buildings and so many people on the sex offender registry is not a good idea! They are definitely not helping the kids! A worker told my daughter and another girl ro go a head and leave and put her hand out twords the door!! Very unprofessional and unacceptable! As a mother of a child who went there i will say that i agree with the city of Detroit that place should not be open!


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