Francesco Catalfamo

4 years ago

Arrivals area is an absolute squalor, the worst ai...

Arrivals area is an absolute squalor, the worst airport I ever seen...
Departure area is much worse, because it is arranged and constructed not for the better convenience of the the travelers, which should be the ONLY aim for any decent airport.
This departure area is organized in a disgusting way, since it force each and every traveler to a crazy and endless slalom trough and literally inside a third world suk of shops and vending stands, at the only purpose to force the them to buy.
So after the security check all the travelers are force to walk for more than half a mile through and into the stores, following a twisted and convoluted path, that in the reality covers the length of less than hundred yards in straight distance, order to reach the departure gates.
All this while most of the travelers are hurrying to catch the flight, while carrying a cabin luggage. No words are enough to describe the desolation and the anger provoked by such gross abuse on the people who has the only responsibility to think that an airport is a place organized to allow them to board a plane and not to force them to buy.


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