Michael Bailon

4 years ago

Chief Financial Officer Jarrod Watson (Former Empl...

Chief Financial Officer Jarrod Watson (Former Employee of Pizza Hut (3) three
yea rs had reviewed my resume' and asked that I depart to the Dallas area the same day from El Paso to meet with him for approximately 15 minutes and no more in reference to a job opportunity. Expenses out of my own
pocket having already worked nearly a full 10 hour day I made arrangements to pay and travel alone never asking for a cent nor anything else from what Mr. Watson had agreed to. The following morning after arriving in Dallas from driving all night and morning, I was contacted by a recruiter who I could tell was so embarrassed and sounded as if this person was holding back from releasing any tea rs. I requested if Mr. Watson would at least speak to me after coning so far to which I was advised that because my current employer
allowed me to utilize my work email to seek employment as the company supports my relocating to include I was advised Mr. Watson didn't care for all my experience from the military and it was more of a setback to even have the military listed on my resume'. I wrote to Mr. Watson and I apologize if I compared his 3 yea rs of pizza service to my yea rs for service from the impact 9/11 had on and my family, but surely he'd at least meet me with the 15
minutes he agreed to. He never even gave me the respect of a response. How can several of the most powerful companies that build some of the most
incredible landmarks and features around the globe have a CFO that has no respect towards not only military veterans, but hard working members of
society as a whole.The math on his resume' doesn't even add up for his work
history dates, but he's an analyst and is just that as he only sees people as


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