Florencio Contreras III
Review of Abco Technology

4 years ago

June, 11, 2017

June, 11, 2017

To: Charles Pascal

From: Florencio Contreras III

Mr. Pascal,

Hi there, I m glad to say that I been pretty successful with the Web Design industry. What I got into here is a really big opportunity for myself at the moment and have put together 2 websites for a Law Center in the city of Downey. The Gentleman who I work for is offering me an incredible deal so when I started to think, of course, your name popped into my head because of your godly knowledge of SEO and Optimization. Now currently he has put my nose to the grindstone pretty much just having me to put together these websites. The Objective I m facing is kinda as follows.

He has 2 websites that he has as bread and butter websites. which pretty much are pay per click websites and is rather normal and you are probably not going to laugh at it, but he spent 30,000 dollars on PPC. Yea, So, my 2009 SEO Class I took with you still have a big impression on us today here in 2017. It s so interesting when you told the class that by 2015 most people would be going to Organic Websites rather than PPC. But really in my opinion it s getting worse.. I find lots of people abandoning their websites and getting screwed by their so-called webmaster. Did you even know that there is a long beach based club meeting every once in awhile while their club name is OUT OF WORK INTERNET JOB. I think it s funny only because first of all, they should have taken your course and wouldn t be sitting in the coffee house like a bunch of geeks and fools. Ha ha ha just kidding.

What I m really doing is really hoping you give me solid advice as what to go on and some tips as of how to, and maybe a little knowing of what inexpensive add ons I can use in order to get this website off the ground. Here are labeled as 1 and 2 the both websites that I made him and Please can you offer me some sound advice. I can even maybe offer you some compensation at the law office expense.

Thanks, I know you re so such a busy person and always helping people. Would be nice to get some solid input from you.

Thanks Again,

Florencio Contreras III


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