Michael D'Onofrio

4 years ago

Without Carico, we would be having multiple issues...

Without Carico, we would be having multiple issues at home, such as asthma attacks and breakouts of eczema. We're NOT doctors, BUT, I do know what a scratchy bloody arm looks like when the water is not filtered, and a clean arm when it IS filtered. We have had the whole house system for over 10 years, and it's been through 2 hurricanes. Yes, part of the top blew off, but it still works GREAT! I made the mistake of bypassing it to fill the pool once and my child came out of the shower saying that the water was poison! We also have multiple other products, such as cookware, cutlery, mattresses, pillows, juicers, and air purifiers. I use them at our house, and the rent house. I'm able to get about $100 more per month in rent with the water filter installed. It is such an upgrade, and well worth it for every home and business. The air filters are a MUST with any cold, flu, and of course COVID. We don't transfer colds and viruses at the house with the air purifier. Before, if one person got sick, we all did. Anyone that has kids in school, you know what happens when the kid comes home with the sniffles, look out, the entire family gets ill. We don't have this problem. We recently UPGRADED our cookware from the surgical stainless to the new and improved 316 steel. It is so much easier to clean, and better to cook on. As far as the sleeping systems, I wouldn't be able to get comfortable without them. I have multiple orthopedic problems, and they have really given me the only opportunity to sleep. The only problem is that our kids demanded to get the same mattress that we had, so 1 became a need for 4, so now our entire house is filled with Carico. Carico products are expensive, but the cost is low. We haven't had to replace a mattress in over 10 years, we haven't had to replace cookware in over 25 years, and our water system is going on 16 years now. I can't say everyone will get the same results as us, but I don't think another company provides a better quality product.
If you consider the return on investment, there is no greater return than being able to be as healthy as possible and knowing that your kids have the best opportunity for nutritious meals, clean air and water, and the best sleep ever. Thanks Carico for what you do for our family and everyone else.

- Note, we just got the new Clean machine, and so far it's awesome! We cleaned the grout and it looks like new, and there are areas of the house that have never been cleaned, but now we have the capability. I'm afraid of what might come out of the shower drain, or underneath the stairs. Ha!


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