Matt D

4 years ago

Show up and do your job. Easy peasy.

Show up and do your job. Easy peasy.

Most, if not all, of the negative reviews were made by people who were fired for one reason or another and also CAN'T EVEN USE THEIR REAL NAMES .As with anything in life; what you get out of something is typically equal to what you put in. I ve addressed as much as I could with the space allowed.

I ve worked here over a year and I ve only ever seen once instance of someone being unprofessional. Like anywhere, if you witness it, It is a matter of reporting it and letting the proper channels handle it.

This job is not hard, so yes you can be easily replaced. Does CSD try to find any reason to push you out the door ? Not quite. Continually hiring and training people is already pretty much part of any call center, actively looking to replace people would just add more workload to already exhausting efforts put forth to replace people that leave on their own accord. If they are actually looking to replace you it is more than likely because you cannot do the job to the set standards or can t follow workplace policies. Yes, you can get mentally worn down with the varying degree of calls. Lacking sympathy for deaf and hard of hearing? We don t even hear them. We revoice the person who called them or they called.

If you come to a job with a bad attitude, or whatever the case may be, of course management is not going to want you to project that on to new hires and help train them, do extra tasks, or whatever.

Call Center > 200 people, things happen. CSD operates 24/7, can t exactly shut down to bring in exterminators. The bed bug issue was treated the best way it could ve been for the center to remain open for business. The center was/is very proactive in preventing any further problems.

FMLA is a real thing and protects your employment, but not necessarily the same job title. However, if you fail to fill out the proper paperwork, you can only miss a certain number of days per year, before you are let go. That would be nobody s fault but your own.

AFAIK the cleaning staff are not employed by CSD, but I could be wrong. Just like any job, you get people that will do their job right and people that just want a check. Yes, it did seem like it was an issue, but the problem has since been rectified. I wouldn t say they interfere with anyone s job as they would come into the call center to collect trash only. They weren t vacuuming or making extraneous noise while anyone was working. The bathrooms being atrocious (which they are not) would reflect more on your coworkers than the cleaning staff or the company as a whole. There is literally a trash dump right across the river, which is often times what people will smell and think it is the bathrooms.

If anyone s problems were to get put on the back burner, perhaps they weren t as important at the current time that you made them out to be? Literally the ratio of regular employees to management is about 25-1. As far as people being mean rude gay theatre people . It s 2019, who cares if people are gay? Does it affect you? I have never come across anyone that was rude. Will I disagree? Sure, but I m an adult and can deal with things and take criticism without thinking someone is rude. Who cares if people practice & read about witchcraft ? That s their personal interest, if it is even true, and is done on their own time. Management walking around is to ensure people follow call floor policies, such as NO CELLPHONES. This is a confidentiality issue and is drilled into your head since training.

Promotions, like with most any job, are given to the most qualified people who apply.

I ve never experienced any smell left on any chair or surface in the call center. People complain about perfume, because surprise surprise, there are people that have no idea how to properly wear a scent and douse themselves with it as if they are in a junior high locker room.

If you don t get any incentives or rewards, it s because you did not meet the criteria. Sure, they may come a little late, but they do come and you are given everything you are owed.


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