
luigi malvone

3 years ago

In the pediatric emergency room with child 40 of f...

In the pediatric emergency room with child 40 of fever (20 months) ... after 4 hours of waiting and visited is sent back home ... all this for a couple of times with a fever that touched even 41 despite tachipirina and augmentin ... .we return to the emergency room for the third time with 41.5 of fever and once again they insist that it is only flu ... we insist why baby in poor breathing conditions and claim at least this time x-ray and cpr .... result comes out pneumonia and send us back home always with agmentin .... returned home the child at night breathes badly and tired .... even the mother feels bad ... we call ambulance and go to the hospital .... is immediately hospitalized in observation ... reconfirmed pneumonia ... remains about three days and with the second antibiotic the fever goes away and will have to return in about twenty days to check if there are residues and continue for at least another 3 days only with agmentin and suspend 2 antibiotic. Is it fair how was this child treated in the first week and without any examination? And the poor parents?


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