
danniela mendez

3 years ago

***EDIT 9/30/17***

***EDIT 9/30/17***

Today is a bittersweet day. It's the last day of the month, which means for me, it's the last day I'll have Sendero through Medicaid for Pregnant Women... luckily I requested all my VAS benefits before I lost coverage and guess what?!! It came in sooner than expected! Diapers, first aid kit, breast pumping/feeding cover, breast pads, thermometer, & BABY MONITOR!! #SenderoHealthPlans

Look what I qualified for this time!!
Baby Monitor
Breast Pads & Cover
First aid kit
$50 Gift Card

Remember you have 90 days to call customer service and request yours after your doctor appointments!!

My baby has been in the NICU since the minute he was born at 25 weeks. Although he is my second child, it is still a very new and frightening journey. I am so grateful that #SenderoHealthPlans has been by my side every step of the way. From my prenatal care to post partum to preparing for a newborn at home. I've received free diapers, a carseat, countless Gift Cards, a breast pump, and I've learn so much at their informational baby showers. Aside from the help I received during my short pregnancy and for my newborn, they also helped me with my 5 year old. He was able to play sports and he received a backpack with school supplies. Having a baby in the NICU is extremely difficult and draining. Sometimes it's hard to balance the care and attention both my children need, but because of Sendero, it was easier to do so. Soon, I will be getting a Home Visit to help me adjust with the baby coming home. Sendero goes the extra step, they aren't just a health insurance, they're familia.


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